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Monday, April 8, 2019

Pharaoh Khufu's Ship Recently Discovered

Khufu's recently discovered ship

Above is an image of the reconstructed "ship" of Khufu recently discovered buried near the Great Pyramid of Giza. I am extremely skeptical of the explanation ascribed to this relic. I believe that the archaeologists / Egyptologists may have made a mistake. Does this "boat" really represent something that was built for a Pharaoh? As amazing as it is, it appears to be something more akin to a fishing boat than a construction for a Pharaoh (remember: a Pharaoh is essentially a living god). Even if it were restored to pristine condition, I do not believe it could possibly represent the best possible show of craftsmanship by the Egyptians when constructing something made of wood for a Pharaoh.

Khufu's recently discovered ship

If this truly does represent the pinnacle of Egyptian craftsmanship during Khufu's reign, then it is my opinion that the Great Pyramid was not built by Khufu's craftsmen. One would suppose that the wood carvers and shipwrights would be on par with the stone masons. Are we supposed to believe that the Egyptian craftsmen could carve the hardest stone on the planet into the most beautiful statues and decorative art work, with the finest polish and finish, and this "boat" is the very best they could do for Pharaoh Khufu?!? I am incredulous. If Khufu's stone masons actually built the Great Pyramid, I am certain they looked scornfully upon the wood workers and shipwrights. I believe, this "boat", either was not built for Khufu, or any other pharaoh, or the Egyptians of his era actually did not have the technology to carve the hardest stone on the planet!!

As for why it was buried next to the Pyramid, that is anyone's guess. I believe that the Archaeologists need to rethink what this "boat" actually represents. Even if every board were replaced with the finest wood, it would still look like a fishing boat! We are lead to believe by the Egyptologists and Archaeologists that only the finest of things are placed with the Pharaohs of Egypt. Gold, Silver, and all the finest of things are buried with the Pharaohs, yet here is a very common looking boat ascribed as the Pharaoh's religious pilgrimage "ship". Really? I mean, REALLY?!? How can any archaeologist, or those that represent the scientific establishment say this with a straight face? Now, if it were just a mock-up of something, to represent something for ceremonial purposes, then that is a different story, but this clearly does not fit with all the other finery found or shown to be for a Pharaoh. If I had to guess what it represented, I would probably say that it was taken from the Nile river and buried next to the pyramids to stop the migration of the Nile away from the pyramids.

Below is an image of Napoleon's Barque (Ship). Granted that this was from an entirely different era, but the quality of the craftsmanship is quite high as compared to Khufu's ship.

Napoleon's Barque

Below is an image of an artist's rendition of the Galley of the Emperor Caligula on lake Nemi Italy. Apparently, an emperor out ranks a god-king.

Below is an image of a model of an ancient Greek Trireme warship. Apparently, the Greek Sailors out-ranked a Pharaoh as well, or the Greeks had superior shipwrights and wood working craftsmen.

I hope you find this article entertaining and enlightening.

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