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Monday, June 11, 2018

The Great Sphinx at Giza

The Great Sphinx at Giza is probably the most iconic and  recognizable monument in the world. It measures 240 feet (73 meters) long and 66 feet (20 meters) high, and is one of the world’s largest monuments. Commonly, and widely accepted, is the theory that the Great Sphinx was erected for the Pharaoh Khafre (roughly 2603-2578 B.C.). However, the age of the Great Sphinx is still hotly debated in academic circles. New evidence has been brought forth that places the age of the original construction of the Sphinx much further in the past (estimated to be approximately 12,500 years ago, or 11,000 - 10,500 B. C. ). The evidence is based on the weathering of the stone, both on the body of the Sphinx and on the enclosure wall.

Dr. Robert Schoch
Geologist Dr. Robert Schoch has used the weathering pattern to estimate the new date. He has stated that the weathering on both the enclosure walls and on the body of the Sphinx (not the head) are due specifically to precipitation or rainfall and that it would have taken an enormous amount of time to produce the weathering observed at present. The head of the Sphinx is excluded from the estimation because it is not nearly as weathered as the body, and is assumed to have been re-carved at a later date, which further lends credence to the theory of a more ancient date for original construction of the Sphinx complex. There are no decorations or hieroglyphs on the Great Sphinx itself. A single stele stands between the paws, and because it is not attached to the body, could have been placed there at a date later than the original construction. Too, Dr. Robert Schoch and his team performed seismic surveys of the area around the Great Sphinx and discovered that there is a void beneath the left front paw of the Sphinx. He has stated that he has re-examined the seismic data recently and confirms that not only is there a void, but that it is not just an amorphous cavern, and that it is a rectangular room with things stored in it. Are these, and similar epiphanies possibly informing us that there was an Ancient Builder race that existed prior to the last ice age? The weathering is obvious on the body of the Great Sphinx, but the enclosure walls are quite dramatic in their appearance of weathering. The body of the Sphinx was carved right out of the bedrock. The stones cut and removed from the enclosure area weigh in excess of one hundred tons and were used in the construction of the temple just in front of the Sphinx enclosure. When we compare the head and body, notice that the head and face are not nearly as weathered as the body or the enclosure. When the date of construction is pushed back to the very end of the last ice age, one must consider the possibility of an ancient and technologically advanced race or culture that had the capability to build such enormous and megalithic monuments.

To Learn More about Dr. Robert Schoch's work on the Great Sphinx, please visit his website at:

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

The Temple of Bacchus at Baalbek Lebanon

The gigantic stones used in the megalithic construction

Baalbek - Temple of Bacchus

This is the Temple of Bacchus at Baalbek (also known as Heliopolis in Roman times) and was built by the Romans. It is a World Heritage site. The temple was commissioned by Roman Emperor Antoninus Pius and designed by an unknown roman architect and built close to the courtyard in front of the larger temple of Jupiter-Baal. Archeologists generally consider the period of construction to be between 150 AD to 250 AD.

Baalbek - Stone of the Pregnant Woman
This is the Stone of the Pregnant Woman and lies in a nearby quarry only 900 meters from the Heliopolis. There are multiple stones of similar size in the quarry. According to calculations this stone weighs approximately 1000 tons. To say the stone is gigantic is an understatement. This stone was considered the largest carved stone ever discovered until a new larger carved stone was uncovered just below this stone. The new larger stone is estimated to weigh 1600 tons (3 million 2 hundred thousand pounds - 3,200,000 lbs). The sheer size of these stones is astounding and it is practically inconceivable as to how they were transported from one location to another considering that we are only capable of moving stones that weigh approximately 300 - 400 tons at the present time. 

Baalbek - Newly discovered 1600 ton carved stone below the Stone of the Pregnant Woman
When the larger stone was discovered, it was jokingly stated that "the Stone of the Pregnant Woman has given birth!"

Check out the following article on for more information 

Well known is the platform on which the Roman Temple of Jupiter stands. The image below displays the famous Trilithon Stones of Baalbek. Each stone weighs in excess of an estimated 800 tons each.

Baalbek - Trilithon Stones outlined in red frames
Baalbek - Trilithon platform with man for size reference
These are massive stones that appear to be older than the construction of the roman Temple of Jupiter that rests upon this platform. The weathering on the stones is a tell tale sign that there are multiple periods of construction on this site. The massive trilithon stones and the stones below them seem to be more weathered than the roman construction above. Also, the stones that are most weathered appear to be constructed with a greater precision. This is counter-intuitive to what one would expect to see at any archaeological site. It doesn't make sense that the older construction would have better precision than the newer construction, but that is what is found at this site. This leads one to ask who were the builders of this older site? The Ancient Builders of this older construction certainly seemed to be in possession of a knowledge that the Romans lacked. Specifically, how to carve and move the largest known stones on the planet and fit them together with a precision that we would have difficulty reproducing today, let alone in Roman times.

Thursday, March 15, 2018



The Great Pyramid is a mystery, a monument, an enigma, a testiment, and a true Wonder of the Ancient World. The pyramid is estimated to have around 2,300,000 stone blocks that weigh from 2 to 50 tons each and there are even some blocks that are part of the internal structure that weigh over 70 tons. The base of the pyramid covers 592,000 square feet with each side greater than 218,000 square feet. The interior has a constant temperature and equals the average temperature of the earth which is 68 Degrees Fahrenheit. The outer mantle was composed of 144,000 casing stones which were highly polished and flat to an accuracy of 1/100th of an inch (this equals approximately the thickness of three sheets of paper). They were about 100 inches thick and weigh approximately 15 tons each.
The Pyramid is aligned to "True North" - The Great Pyramid is the most accurately aligned known structure in existence and faces true north with only a 3/60th of a degree of error. That equals only 3 minutes of a degree off true north. The Great Pyramid is located at the center of all land mass of the earth. The east/west parallel that crosses the most land and the north/south meridian that crosses the most land intersect in two places on the earth; one intersection is in the ocean and the other is centered on the Great Pyramid. The mathematics encoded into the Great Pyramid is astounding. It encodes the following principles of mathematics:
  • Phi - the Golden Ratio that appears throughout nature and is related to the Fibonacci Sequence.
  • Pi - the circumference of a circle in relation to its diameter.
  • The Pythagorean Theorem – Credited to the mathematician Pythagoras, which can be expressed as a² + b² = c².
  • The relationship between Pi and Phi is expressed in the fundamental proportions of the Great Pyramid.
  • The arc designed into the faces of the pyramid matches the radius of the earth exactly.
The four sides of the pyramid are actually eight sides. They are slightly concave making it unique in it's construction, and is the only known pyramid to have been built this way. The eight sides can only be seen from the air and only at sunrise during the spring and autumn equinoxes. The date (twice each year) at which the sun crosses the celestial equator, and when day and night are of equal length (approximately March 20 and September 22).

The best news is that a new chamber has been discovered recently in the Great Pyramid using a new technique. The approximate location of the newly discovered chamber is shown below.